Eat these 10 superfoods during winter to get rid of the cold and flu
Every year at some point the colds and flu take over and it is very difficult not to get sick, COVID aside. There are things you can implement in order to protect your body like vaccines and good hygiene, but also some foods. In this article, you will learn about 10 superfoods that contain everything you need so that you can get rid of the cold and flu. Although you could never be 100% certain you will remain healthy you can improve your chances or help your body get better faster if you are ill. As usual, you should speak with your doctor prior to making any changes to your diet.
You can enjoy this yummy fruit all year long and out of all of the superfoods in this list, this might be the most crucial one. They are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C which work wonders for the immune system.
Green Tea
Many people reach for green tea when they are feeling sick and this is not without a good reason. When warm it will make you relax, it consists of catechins, which are a strong antioxidant.It has been proven to help in the fight with cold and flu.
Carrots are full of beta-carotene, which is very beneficial for your body because it can be transformed into vitamin A, which is known to help with congestion. Another reason why it is good to consume carrots is that they help with the creation of white blood cells – they are good with battling illnesses.
Many might already know that oranges are very rich in vitamin C, which is an important one for maintaining a strong immune system. Now is the perfect time to have a nice glass of orange juice!
No wonder why Popeye was eating all of this spinach. It is a great one for keeping at bay illnesses or getting rid of them faster. It is full of vitamin C and helps you have a healthy immune system.
Garlic is awesome for adding an extra delicious touch to most meals. However, this is not the reason why you should consider eating more of it. A study has shown that those who ate garlic on a regular basis suffered from fewer colds than the rest.
Having some apple pie is a great way not so much to remain slim, but to prevent the cold and flu. Apples have a lot of antioxidants and they ensure you will stay strong and healthy throughout the winter months.
This one might not be an obvious choice for many, but there is a huge reason why you should be consuming it on a more regular basis. Did you know that apart from citruses it is the best source of vitamin C? Get some cauliflower and boost your immune system right away.
You can have them all year long, depending on the type. Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D which helps with fighting illnesses as it boosts the production of white blood cells and has antimicrobial properties which eliminate infections.
It is great because of the proteins and zinc. The former is awesome for when you are dealing with the cold and flu and the latter is an important mineral that can reduce the severity and shorten the length of the symptoms.