Improve Your Metabolism with These 10 Foods
Have you ever thought of how food is powering your body? The internal process in your body that transforms the food into energy is called metabolism. When this process works well for you, it will be fairly easy to maintain or lose weight. As with everything in our bodies, metabolism is also a very complex process that can be affected by other factors such as age, gender, hormones, and stress. However, there are some ways to nurture this process.
Eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly sometimes may not have the best effect if you don’t follow the rules below.
- Contrary to popular beliefs, starving can only make you gain weight. The body’s natural reaction to starving is to slow your metabolism down. Don’t cut the food to lower calories.
- Make you meals small, but more regular. You can eat five to six times per day.
- Having alcohol before eating is not a good idea. The alcohol will be transformed first, but your meal will only be packed as fat.
- Feed your body with calcium, but only with small portions of low-fat dairy. Skim milk and low-fat yogurt can be consumed three to four times per day.
In addition to the above, include in your meal those 10 foods to boost your metabolism.
When you start a diet, be sure to always consult your registered nutritionist or physician.
Lean Meats
Your body will burn more energy to decompose proteins than for carbohydrates or fats.
Diet tip: Some foods, rich in proteins, that will boost your metabolism are: chicken, tofu, turkey and lean beef.
Legumes are important not only for your metabolism. They also help you lower your cholesterol and improve digestion. Foods that are rich in protein, iron and fiber include black beans, lentils and chickpeas.
Diet tip: Use dry beans when incorporating legumes in your menu. Canned usually contain high amounts of sodium, so avoid whenever possible.
Consider again nuts that will have to make your body work harder to extract the energy. The best you can find are walnuts, almonds and pistachios. They are full of healthy acids and proteins.
Diet tip: A good way to have a healthy snack will be to eat a handful of unsalted almonds.
Iced Water
When you drink exceptionally cold water, your body needs to use more energy because it first needs to heat it up to room temperature. That way your metabolism speeds up and you burn more calories.
Diet tip: No matter in what form or at what temperature, you have to stay hydrated all the time!
Chili Peppers
Burning some extra calories will be good for you, thus you can include chili peppers in your diet. They contain capsaicin which will improve your metabolism.
Diet tip: Your salad or soup will be better if you add some chopped chili peppers.
Coffee also affects your metabolism. The active component – caffeine, stimulates your body by boosting your metabolic rate and energy levels.
Diet tip: Combine your coffee with a high-protein breakfast for a fuller effect.
Eggs can contribute to your weight loss as well. They contain choline and are rich in protein and calcium.
Diet tip: A good way to begin your day will be with a high-protein or high-fiber meal.
Green Tea
Green tea can boost your metabolism by up to 10%. Thanks to the combination of antioxidants and caffeine that is also called catechins, green tea is a great fat burner.
Diet tip: Try accompanying your late afternoon snack with a nice cup of green tea. This will energize you!
This popular spice can burn up some extra calories. Only a small teaspoon per day can make a difference for you. Ginger contains gingerols that make your body digest food faster and lowers the hunger levels.
Diet tip: You can use ginger to spice up your cup of tea.
Coconut Oil
It is scientifically proven that coconut oil contains triglycerides that are directly transformed into energy by your liver. This oil will not be turned into fat.
Diet tip: You can substitute the butter on your toast with some coconut oil.