Try Out These 10 Useful Tricks When You Are In A Bad Mood
It is completely normal to feel angry from time to time. Usually, it happens after we don’t quite get what we wanted. This bad mood not only affects you but those who are around you. In order to get over this horrible feeling a bit quicker or prevent it from coming over you, you can try out these 10 tricks.
Awareness is key
It is not a good idea to just ignore what you are feeling – this is unhealthy and could lead to problems in the long term. Those might be connected to the development of some bad habits like substance abuse or even physical pain like headaches, problems with digestion and others. A better solution is to embrace the feeling and be aware of it. It is as simple as just stating you are angry when you are feeling so. Pay attention to the physical response of your body to this feeling as well.
Find the reason
There is always something which puts you in a bad mood, it does not just happen without a reason. Find it and look for some repetitive triggers. Once you realize what makes you angry, try to avoid it. Being calm in such a situation gives you a clearer view of the problem and might even prevent the negative feeling. Discussing those issues is also a good idea since sharing usually helps and allows you to get the opinion of someone you trust.
Work out more regularly and get your heart rate up. By doing so your body will release dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin. It is enough to do some cardio like running or jumping jacks.
Sometimes food can fix it
There are times when you are feeling low just because you are hungry. If you have skipped a meal or have been working too hard, it is time to have a healthy snack and see whether the way you are feeling will improve.
Be in the moment
Being present is crucial. Whenever you are not getting something you want or there is a negative event, just sit quietly for a couple of minutes and breathe deeply. During these moments you can also set an intention for this day. By focusing on the good instead of the bad, you will start to feel better in no time!
Smile more
You can trick the mind by smiling more and make it think that you are actually joyful. This act makes the body release endorphins, so go ahead and try it out!
Visual cues may come to the rescue
Put some notes around the house with encouraging sayings like “You got this!” and “Don’t forget to take deep breaths.” This is super simple but it will work as a reminder to brighten up when you feel in a bad mood. Coming across such positive words in such a situation could lift you up.
Talk to someone close
Call a friend and just share what you are feeling and why. Knowing that this other person is there for you and letting it all out can sometimes be the solution you have been looking for. During your call you can also be distracted and forget about your worries.
Just let it go
Sometimes past experiences are what bring us negative feelings in the present. We continue reliving past trauma and cannot just let it go. Learning to do so is important and it helps us release the anger we have inside and just move on with our lives and be joyful.
See a professional
If this bad feeling is overcoming you very often, you should seek professional help. Therapists will help you help you get to the roots of the problem and more often than not this turns out to be enough to fix your mood. If your anger starts to get in the way of your relationships and goes on for too long this might be a good idea.